“You can not escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today” Abraham Lincoln Start now! I will do it later. Not yet time. It would be tomorrow. There is still a lot of time. What you think is far is already around the corner. Until you start living a life free of procrastination, you would not go far in life. What do you want to do? Start now ! Stop procrastinating and STOP saying later . Now is the right time to start. At the beginning of the year, people normally write new year resolutions and new year goals that they wish to achieve. The major thing that debars them from achieving these goals is procrastination. This is a disease that has killed the dreams of many and it is still killing it. People that procrastinate always feel they have time, they wait till it is very close to the deadline only to do it wrong or not at all. Start now! Oh! I want to make a...