2019 GOALS

2019 goals E very New Year, a lot of people make lists of all the things that they would love to do in the year and those things they would not want to do. Some call it resolutions, goals and other names. However, not everyone is able to fulfill or accomplish even half of these set goals. The reason is setting goals is easier than accomplishing goals itself. The question is how do I set my goals and accomplish these goals? While some cannot set goals because they believe in chances, we have some that can set goals but are not very good in living up to it. I remember in the beginning of year 2016, I set a lot of goals for myself but I was not able to accomplish all of it by the time the year was over and when I sat down, I discovered that accomplishment of goals is more than just writing these goals. The principles that would be listed below would help you to set and accomplish your goals for year 2019. You don’t have to set goals that you don’t have passion for. Set go...