Not my fault!
"It's not my fault , he made me do it ","I had no choice , I had to do it " These are the words that people burst out after doing something wrong or something they ended up regretting. You don't have to put blame on other people because it is going to prevent you from growing and improving so if you love yourself then you need to start accepting your responsibilities! We are going to be looking at the faults with the words; "It's not my fault", "He made me do it or She made me do it", "it's all your fault" and so on. 1) YOU are the major reason for every action that takes place in your life: Before you do anything, your brain sends signal to the part of your body that has to perform that thing. Other people might be a factor but it is about "you " . Ben Carson's mum helped him to reach his goal but the person who accepted the help was Ben Carson himself. He could have as well rejected t...