
Showing posts from March 28, 2018


CRACKED 20 The room was quiet, Meg stood at the far end facing the wall, Monica was sitting down in silence while Mrs. Pepper was shaking her legs where she sat. The three women were expecting the Doctor's report on Choo, after the accident she had in the afternoon. Meg had tried to reach Tom countless times but he was not reachable, she thought of how he would feel if Choo should die, perhaps he would be happy or maybe he would regret not listening to her and reaching out to his daughter. She prayed Choo would make it out alive but she was scared her prayers might not be answered. Monica was feeling guilty, she wished things had turned out differently for Choo. She thought she could save the girl and make her better instead she had led the girl to a fatal accident. She prayed Choo would make it out alive, because if Choo should die then she would blame herself for the rest of her life. She knew Ben would be worried, he had been calling her for about two hours but she  had not


CRACKED 19 Maria ran back inside to the top of the building, "Charity! Please don't do it" she pleaded, "I have to Mum, I can't bear it anymore" Charity cried, "Baby, it was all my fault.... I know that but you can't end your life. You are all I have left" she said crying, "No Mum, Alice is gone" Charity said crying and standing at the edge breathing hard. "Don't say that Baby, I would make it all right, please don't do this to yourself" she pleaded, "how? Are you going to erase the voice in my head or.... ", "let me give you justice" Maria said boldly, "how?" Charity asked walking away from the edge, Maria moved very fast and hugged her, "you must stay alive for your dad but never tell him Charity. Promise me you would do that for me" Maria said hugging her, "I... ", "promise me!" Maria shouted, "I promise Mum", Maria ran as fast as she could


CRACKED 18 Alice and Charity were having an heated argument at the top floor, Maria could  hear them shouting at each other. She was surprised to hear Charity's voice since she had not spoken to her since the incident. She ran to the top floor to meet them but they were not there, she guessed they were at the balcony. She went there and saw Alice running to the edge while Charity ran after her, Maria did not understand what was going on until Alice fell off the edge while Charity tried to hold her but it was too late. "Alice!!!!" Maria screamed and ran downstairs, she ran to the side and saw Tom holding Alice's body and crying deeply. Maria ran towards them, "no!!! She can't be dead.... Call the ambulance Tom!!! Call!!!" She screamed even though she knew Alice was already dead. She looked up and saw Charity looking down at them like she wanted to jump down too, "don't!! Please don't!! Charity please!!" she cried bitterly.


CRACKED 17 Maria woke up suddenly panting and sweating, she put on the light in the lampstand. She was breathing fast, she stood up from the bed and took the bottled water on the table. She opened it and emptied the whole content into her mouth. She sighed deeply and looked at the wall clock, "it's just 2am" she said in a whisper, "how do I get over my guilt" she asked herself. She left the room and went to the girls' room, she entered the room quietly so as not to wake them up but they were already awake when she entered. She was surprised when she saw them, "my dears.... Aren't you going to sleep?" she asked and sat on their bed, "I can't go to bed Mum, I'm scared" Alice said, Maria understood her fear, she wrapped her hands round Alice, "I'm here Baby, you don't have to be afraid" she said then she looked at Charity, "are you going to continue punishing me Charity?" she asked but Charity sai


CRACKED 16 Maria got back home late in the night and was surprised the whole house was quiet, she remembered that she left John at home but brushed it off that he would have gone. She went upstairs to her room and saw the shock of her life, John was raping Alice while Charity was standing beside them naked. She screamed and dashed towards him, she pushed him away from her, "you are mad!!!" she shouted, "calm down sweetheart, they were being naughty.  I just wanted to teach them a lesson" he said, Maria slapped him very hard. She reached for the flower vase and smashed it on his face angrily, he fell to the ground immediately. She turned and went to Alice who was crying on the bed, there was blood everywhere, Maria was shocked, she didn't know what to do. She went to Charity, "did he touch you?" she asked her, Charity was mute, only tears flowed from her eyes. Maria carried Alice from the bed, "listen to me!" she shouted shakily, "th


CRACKED 15 Maria felt alive again, her new boyfriend, John gave her the sexual satisfaction she needed, all she had to do was pay him for it. It felt so good having someone who could make up for her Husband's lapses since he was not around. She and John had just finished another round of intimacy when she received a call from her office, "hello.... Yes, I dropped the files on my table... It is there.... Oh my Gosh! Okay.... I'm on my way.... Yes" she hung up and hissed, "what's wrong Love?" John asked her, "I have to get to the office quickly, I would only be gone for five minutes. Would you mind waiting?" she asked, "of course, I would be right" he replied and kissed her, "okay " she said and stood up. She quickly wore a gown and dashed out of the room quickly. ***************************************************** Tom was sweating profusely and his eyes were red because of tears, he looked at Darlene angrily when she

Cracked 14

CRACKED 14 Maria shut the door behind her, she was frustrated and could not bear it anymore. She could not understand why he had to leave again, this was not marriage anymore. She had tried to put up with it but she felt unloved and dejected. She wished she could follow her husband on his unending trips and feel like a woman again. Whenever he got back, he was either tired or he had to go back again. Her girls were asking questions and she had to just cover up for him because she loved him. She wished he would understand and stay with her even if it was just for a day. She sobbed quietly as she buried her face in her clothe, she wish she wasn't selfish and could just understand but she believed she had tried already. She heard the kids calling her name, she would take care of the kids and her husband but no one took care of her. She dried her eyes, she went to the bathroom and washed her face with soap, perhaps she was not as attractive as she used to be at the early stage of t