
Christmas Secret

After living for fifteen years with her Parents, Maria can't remember any Christmas day  celebration at home. She decides to find out the reason they don't celebrate Christmas in their house..... The truth she discovers might just be too much for her to bear. Download the story here: The Christmas secret

Breakthrough Devotion

Breakthrough Devotion Topic: The wonders of praise part 2 We studied the first part of the wonders of praise. Today, we're going to be looking at how praise enforces what is written. In John2:13-16, the Bible tells us that after the people sang hossana to Jesus,Jesus entered the temple and threw out everything that was contrary to what was written.praising God makes him enforce the written word in your life. The word says we are supposed to prosper in all facets of life(3John vs3), praising God would enforce this word in our can check the bible for other promises of God and praise him to make them fulfilled in your life. Prayer Point Father, help me to praise you everyday of my life and let the wonders of praise be made manifest in my life.

Breakthrough Devotion

Topic:Wonders in Praises.PT 1 We shall be exploring the wonders inherent in praises. Praises is one weapon that can be used to destroy the wiles of the devil. One of the wonders in Praises is to Provoke Divine Presence (psalm 22:3).praises compels God's Presence because it is His natural habitat. God cannot but respond to praise.As much as God wants to be with you all the time,His presence is not automatic:Praise is the price you must pay for it. The greatest event of your life won't need more than divine presence and it takes nothing more than your heart -felt praise to provoke His presence. If you determine to give Him genuine praises the remaining days of your life, the difference will be clear. God's presence will answer to you and that which you thought impossible will cheaply come to pass in your life. When you praise Him like Paul and Silas did in the prison,He will show up in every area of your life and convert your reproach to dignity, just as He stepped into

Download Novels online free!

It's the Christmas season and the time to give.......give to someone today. You can download the following Novels free by clicking on the title of the novel you want to download... 1.  A walk with Christ 2.  A heart that needs him more 3.  Christmas, the gift of friendship If you would love us to add any novel to the novel cart, kindly comment with the title of the novel you would like to read.

The MOBAZO Spirit-Moana, Ballerina and Zootopia

Moana, Zootopia and Ballerina I am a Proud Female.... Are you?  After watching Moana, Zootopia and  Ballerina . I realised some major similarities in the movies and these are the similarities. 1)the lead role  is a  female 2)they failed at a point in their lives 3)they were discouraged by a lot of people and were encouraged by few people 4)they wanted to give up at a time in their live 5)they had enemies in their lives 6) they made it to the top at the end of it all we would be treating these similarities one by one the first one The lead role is a female We all know that the female folks are sometimes  discriminated no matter how educated they might be. We still have people in the world today who discriminates and treat the female folks like nothing however the fact that these movies depicts females as stronger folks could only mean one thing girls, ladies, women stand up and lead..... They failed at a point in their lives Yes, their plan failed at the

Scholarship for Nigerians

*FULL LIST OF SCHOLARSHIPS FOR AFRICAN UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS 2017/2018* 1a. 2017/2018 Fully Funded Scholarships – APPLY NOW 1b. List of DAAD Scholarships 2017/2018 – Apply Now 2. APPLY:Korean Government Scholarships for 170 Bachelors, 800 Masters & PhD for Developing Countries 2017-2018 3. TOP 15+ Scholarships Opportunities for Africans to Study Abroad 2017-2018 4. Joint Japan/World Bank Scholarship 2017-2018 Application Is Ongoing! 5. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

The Trials of Maryjane 8

The story continues.....  Lisa opened the door and was surprised when she saw her Pastor and his children at her doorstep, “hello pastor, you're welcome “ she greeted, she hugged Kate Matt, "Champ, the big guy” she said, “good afternoon ma” he greeted bowing his head, “please come in” Lisa said and they all entered, “how have you been ma?” Pastor Matt asked, “I've been good, thanks be to God” she replied, “small Kathy , how are you doing?” she asked the daughter of  the pastor, “I'm fine ma” she replied, “where's our beauty queen?” Kate asked, “she's upstairs, Lucy!! She called, “yes mummy!” Lucy shouted from her room, “come out and greet the pastor “ she said, “I'm coming mum” Lucy said. ‘ so what do I offer you sir and ma?” Lisa asked, “water is okay” Kate replied , “no ma, I won't take that…. I have toast bread in the refrigerator, just let me put it in the microwave and I have my home made juice” Lisa said, “I guess we don't have a choice the