Not my fault!

"It's not my fault , he made me do it ","I had no choice , I had to do it "
     These are the words that people burst out after doing something wrong or something they ended up regretting. You don't have to put blame on other people because it is going to prevent you from growing and improving so if you love yourself then you need to start accepting your responsibilities!
We are going to be looking at the faults with the words; "It's not my fault", "He made me do it or She made me do it", "it's all your fault" and so on.

1)  YOU are the major reason for every action that takes place in your life:

Before you do anything, your brain  sends signal to the part of your body that has to perform that thing. Other people might be a factor but it is about "you " .
 Ben Carson's mum helped him to reach his goal but the person who accepted the help was Ben Carson himself.
He could have as well rejected the help and disobeyed his mum. Your case can never be the worse neither can it be the best. "oh it's not my fault I didn't go to school. I had dumb parents "or "it wasn't my fault I scored 8 out of 100, the lecturer hates me ", your future is in your hands.

2) YOU have a choice: 

yes! I mean you. Stop telling yourself "I don't have a choice" because you do. YOU chose to stand up from your bed in the morning , you chose to take breakfast and that is just the beginning of a long list of what you have a choice to do.
"I didn't  have a choice it was either I stole the money or I die of hunger ", you have a choice;
-you could decide to remain hungry and not steal
-you could decide to beg for the money and not steal
You always have a choice,  so why don't you make the right ones?

3) BLAMING others only makes you immature and timid. 

Only cowards pass the blame to other people because they are scared of what would happen.
Always know that for everything that happens to you, for you or with you either positive or negative, YOU had a part to play in it.
The next question is what do I do?
Sit down and look for a way out , apologise if you have to but do  not sit and blame other people. It won't  help you move forward.

How can I prevent it?

1. CHOOSE and ACT! ... Don't let anyone guide or direct you in the wrong path. Take your stand; choose yourself and act., you can ask for advice or direction but you should know what you want. Only kids follow people without knowing the full details of their destination.

2.  MAKE the right decision ; avoid regrets in life do the right thing. Do what makes you happy, what you love Best and what gives you joy (make sure it is the right thing). Regrets are disheartening.

3. PICK the right mentor: Pick someone that can help you in making the right choice. However, the person should not make the choices on your behalf but you could take valuable advices from the person. For me, I talk to my mum, dad and  God.
Make the right choice! Accept responsibility for your actions!
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