
My story- One Click

One click – My story The story would help children, teenagers and youths know the truth about life. It is an enlightening and inspiring story. I believe it would change the life of someone out there. Just click and share As the only son of a single dad, I virtually got all I needed though not all I wanted. My goal in life was to make my father proud of me since I was all he had in the world. I was a cool guy, second best in my class and third best in the school. I knew my dad loved the man I was growing up to be also. Apart from all these, I was also a very good teenager in my church, I was the pianist in my church and I was the most knowledgeable person when it came to the bible. I was a role model to other teenagers in my church, school and environment. My major motive was to please my dad and I was really achieving it as my dad was always happy with me except for few times when we argued about television shows and meals. One thing I really loved doing was playing games, I actual


Freedom The morning still felt like night inside the dark room of Nasha, she woke up to see the same things and do almost the same things daily. She wished so badly that she could just go out and see the world. It was her 22nd birthday yet it felt like she was still 10 years old. She laid on the bed waiting for the routine knock of her dad on the door, he knocked as soon as she said zero, "can I come in Dear?" he asked, she smiled and sat up, "yes Daddy" she said in excitement, her father was the best Dad in the world though she had not met any other father apart from hers but she believed he was the best no matter what. She smiled as he entered her room, "happy birthday Dear" he said happily, "thanks Daddy" she said and hugged him. He was holding a cake in his hand, "I made it myself" he said proudly, Nasha tried to look surprised even though that was the same thing he did every year since she could remember, "Wow!! Isn't m

Who are We? C.H.I.L.D.R.E.N &T.E.E.N.A.G.E.R.S

We are C- Created in His image H-Holy cos' of His sacrifice I-inspired by His word. L-Living for Him. D-Delivered to save R-Restored for His glory. E-Enveloped by His love. N-Nurtured in the spirit. T.E.E.N.A.G.E.R.S T-Transformed to Transform E-Engaged in His presence E-Expressed in His image. N-Nourished by His word. A-Accepted by His affection G-Grateful for His goodness. E-Empowered by the Spirit . R-Renewed by His revelation. S-Saved by His love. 


May 27 is the world's children day. Schools, churches, orphanage home and other organizations always make plans to celebrate the children and teenagers in a special way. Often times, the children and teens are required to give a presentation on that day. This article gives a lost of various presentations children and teens can make on the special day. Happy Children's Day!! Presentation 1 A-Z of Making a Difference ATTITUDE Your attitude determines your altitude in life. Having the right attitude in life would lead you the right way. It is not just about the right attitude in life but having the right attitude towards life. Your attitude would determine if you would make a difference or not. B-BEAUTY This is the inward beauty not the outward one. Your inward beauty encompasses the real you and your imagination. Is everything inside you as clean as everything that is outside? Without the inward beauty, you can not beautify the lives of others around you hence you can

Presentation for Children's Day Celebration

May 27 is the world's children day. Schools, churches , orphanage homes and other organizations always make plan to celebrate the children and teenagers in a special way. Often times, the children and teens are required to give a presentation on that day. This article gives a lost of various presentations children and teens can make on the special day. Presentation 2  A-Z of Bible Passages A-Isaiah  60:1  Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. B- Psalms  32:11  Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart. C-Psalms  51:10  Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. D-1 Chronicles  16:24  Declare his glory among the heathen; his marvellous works among all nations. E-Psalms  100:4  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. F-2 Corinthians  5:7  (For we walk by faith,


Many students believe there is nothing like a perfect essay, this is because they have given up after putting in all their best in an essay and still got a very annoying mark. This is the reason this write-up was put in place; to make writers see that there is an easy way to make the perfect essay.  Sometimes ,  a lot of ideas would just come and you don’t know which one would make the perfect essay. This write up would give you simple but the best tips to write the perfect essay you might intend to write along with some samples that would help you. Let’s get straight to the point and look at the ways we can write the perfect essay Know the kind of essay you want to write: the problem of many students is that they do not even know the kind of essay they are writing. A student was asked to write an essay on “My country ” and he started narrating events that has happened in his country, though the essay was beautiful; he did not get up to the pass mark because the essay


THE JOB WITH THE BEST PAY Looking for a job with no stress but great pay? If your answer is yes, then you need to read this article. My favorite quote is "do not look for what others can do for you but for what you can do for others". The job with the best pay is making SOMEONE SMILE. Ask yourself "how many people can say you are the reason behind their smile?' Making someone smile is a simple but wonderful job. However you might be wondering 'how can making someone smile pay me?' Before we look at that, let's look at how we can make someone smile 1. By smiling :  when you smile, you pass the greatest message across, ‘I am happy’, ‘I love you’, ‘you are special’ and so on. Your smile adds to your beauty and the beauty of everyone around you.  Your smile is the best make up you could ever wear. You cannot make others smile when you are not smiling. 2. By Listening: people love to have someone that listens to them not someone who shuns th