Looking for a job with no stress but great pay? If your answer is yes, then you need to read this article. My favorite quote is "do not look for what others can do for you but for what you can do for others". The job with the best pay is making SOMEONE SMILE. Ask yourself "how many people can say you are the reason behind their smile?' Making someone smile is a simple but wonderful job. However you might be wondering 'how can making someone smile pay me?'
Before we look at that, let's look at how we can make someone smile

1. By smiling:  when you smile, you pass the greatest message across, ‘I am happy’, ‘I love you’, ‘you are special’ and so on. Your smile adds to your beauty and the beauty of everyone around you.  Your smile is the best make up you could ever wear. You cannot make others smile when you are not smiling.

2. By Listening: people love to have someone that listens to them not someone who shuns them or only hears them (you know there’s a big difference between the both). When you can listen to the complains, requests, issues of someone, it means you care about the person and that goes a long way than you can ever imagine. Don’t make life revolve around you alone by talking about yourself alone all the time.
3. By appreciating: there are two words that could make the day of a person very interesting and these words are “thank you”. No matter how small the act of a person is, learn to say thank you with a smile on your face. Appreciate people and let them feel loved. Stop condemning or belittling the effort of people around you! It makes them sad and trust me, that does not make you better.

4.  By correcting in love: Many people are always ready to correct but they can not take correction. They forget the saying “do unto others like you want them to do to you”. How do you want to be corrected? Do you want someone to disgrace you publicly and tell everyone about your mistake? Do you want someone to shout at you or hurl insults at you? If you do not want someone to correct you this way then you should not correct someone else this way. No matter how hurt or angry you may e after someone acts in an unpleasant manner, always try to correct the person in love because if you don’t , you might be ending a life or killing the self esteem of a person.

  5.  By commenting:  try this, just walk up to anyone and make a good comment on the person’s dress or anything and look at the face of the person. The person would smile even if it might e for a short while, the person would smile and that is a good thing not for the person but for you. You could say, “I love your outfit”, “wow! You look great” and so on.  Make good comments and if you have to correct, remember to correct in love.

6. Be there: this is the final thing, be there for others, be there to help, be there to listen, be there to correct them, be there to comment, be there to appreciate, be there to make them smile. Be there to be a shoulder to lean on.

The best pay you get is the chance to make a positive difference in the life of someone.  


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