Content marketing is creating content for the purpose of promoting a product it service

it helps with Brand building, Search Engine Optimization.

It is a strategic marketing approach. We all know content is King so now we are using it to market a brand.

When you are creating content for marketing a product, It is copywriting. one important thing is the CTA. The CTA Is the call to action.

A Call to Action simply means the desired action that a target audience is required to take after every content marketing process.

For Example, we have: 

 Learn more, sign up, Register now

 who can give more examples?

There are various forms of content we can use for content marketing: 

√ Image 

√ Memes 

√ Video

√ Text and so on...

One thing a content marketer looks at is the *Competitors*

How does a Content Marketer work?

We have the 4Ps of Marketing: 

√ Product 

√ Price 

√ Place 

√ Promotion

A content Marketer has to put all these in mind when creating content.

While putting these in mind, S/he should also note that of the competitors and what the target audience answers to more.

Every Brand has different forms of online media. We have the Paid Media ; that is the one you pay for. under this we have Search Engine Marketing, Facebook ads and so on

We have Owned Media; this is the content from the company itself. The brand owns this media

Earned Media; Reviews- Your customers are posting on your behalf, Testimonials, Referrals, etc.

As a content marketee, you should be concerned about the three because they promote the business in different ways.

Most times, the one with the highest reach is your Paid Media.

While setting up Paid Media, you should understand your TARGET AUDIENCE based on Market Segmentations.

Geographic Market Segmentation (Location) 


√ City

√ Country

√ Urban or rural

Demographic Market Segmentation:

√ Age

√ Gender

√ Income

√ Family Situation

√ Annual Income

√ Education

√ Ethnicity

Psychographic Market Segmentation Examples:


√ Values

√ Attitudes

√ Interests

√ Lifestyles

√ Psychological influences

√ Motivations

✓ Priorities

In Conclusion: Content Marketing is very important and many businesses are looking for content marketers. You just have to be smart about it. Another key point is that your number of words should be short for marketing. 

Watch the video on blogging here 

Watch Video on how to check for Plagiarism here

Watch Video on how to use Grammarly

Download your content marketing note here


  1. Thank you ma'am for this educating piece.

  2. Thank you for the educating piece. The link to download the note redirects to your YouTube page instead.

  3. Thank you ma'am. I got value from this.

  4. Ma you didnt tell us the the link that will be typed in the browser to take us to the plagiarism checker page

  5. Thank you ma. So detailed and insightful

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  7. This blog is full of knowledge and experience. A big thanks for sharing about content marketing.


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