Breakthrough Devotion
Breakthrough Devotion
Sound health is paramount to human existence;every other thing in life comes after it.very colourful dreams can and have been terminated by sickness.It can make a hitherto successful man a total failure in life.Good health is the springboard for progress and achievement in life,which is why it is crucial to all.psalm 102:2-3 talks about God healing all forms of diseases.God's wish for you is sound health.He makes this very clear in 3John 2.God is very interested in making us healthy just like God is also interested in making us to be saved and prosperous.God's desire for His children is that they live a sickness-free life;that is, a life that is completely free of all forms of sicknesses and diseases.In fact, that was why Jesus came.God anointed Jesus,so He can heal all those that were oppressed with sickness by the devil.If it were God's will for you to be sick,Jesus wont go about healing the same people He wants them to be sick.sickness is not God's will for you,satan is the root of the cause of sicknesses and diseases,and he goes about deceiving men,trying to make them believe it is from God.
Oh lord help me to live a healthy life.
Zion prayer ministries (ZIPRAM)
Sound health is paramount to human existence;every other thing in life comes after it.very colourful dreams can and have been terminated by sickness.It can make a hitherto successful man a total failure in life.Good health is the springboard for progress and achievement in life,which is why it is crucial to all.psalm 102:2-3 talks about God healing all forms of diseases.God's wish for you is sound health.He makes this very clear in 3John 2.God is very interested in making us healthy just like God is also interested in making us to be saved and prosperous.God's desire for His children is that they live a sickness-free life;that is, a life that is completely free of all forms of sicknesses and diseases.In fact, that was why Jesus came.God anointed Jesus,so He can heal all those that were oppressed with sickness by the devil.If it were God's will for you to be sick,Jesus wont go about healing the same people He wants them to be sick.sickness is not God's will for you,satan is the root of the cause of sicknesses and diseases,and he goes about deceiving men,trying to make them believe it is from God.
Oh lord help me to live a healthy life.
Zion prayer ministries (ZIPRAM)
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