if Only

He made me do it.........
Life isn't all about who made you do it or who helped you do it but who did it.  Most of the successful stories we hear is not because the successful people were made asked to do it alone but because they actually did it and it was successful. It is one thing to be pushed by someone and it is another thing to accept the pushing. In life, whenever things go wrong, we always have one phrase hanging on our lips "not my fault"....... Well, I'm not asking you to blame yourself for everything but I want you to always accept the fact that you were wrong and you hope to do it right next time. Sometimes we blame our failures either on the devil, our parents,our friends or our teachers........ Or even on a disability. We say stuffs like, 'if only I had a rich dad like hers.... ', 'if only I went to a better school', and the ifs keep on piling up till we are stagnant because we are not using those ifs to our advantage but because we want to put the blame on someone or something. There's always a mess behind the message so stop wallowing in self pity and think of how to use your disadvantage to your advantage. We have special people out there doing beautiful things even with all what they are going through. You were created for a purpose and that should be your goal and nothing should stop you from reaching that goal not even your parents, husband, children, disability or anything at all. Whenever you make a mistake, look at it again and check how you would avoid it and not how you would blame others. If you think you have the worst problem in life then let me tell you that someone else thinks so too and this doesn't even end with that person.
My name is Temiloluwa and I'm asking you to stop saying 'it's not my fault or if only' but say 'I made a mistake but I won't make such again because I'm going to get better'and that's what I call positive statements. Always remember that if you think there's no one in this world that loves and cares about you.... Jesus does.....  And I do too.... Please leave a comment and enjoy today with positivity.


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