The trials of Maryjane 3

We have been reading the story- trials of Maryjane for a while now.  I hope we love the story. 
The sound of the bell made the pupils to shout happily, it was the best time in school, ‘breaktime’ most pupils rushed out of their class to the school field while some went to the cafeteria and the supermarket, few stayed back in their various classes gisting with their friends or eating their meal. Mary-Jane was in the class but unlike other pupils, she was sleeping in class, suddenly she heard someone scream her name and she woke up immediately though she was shocked when she woke up only to see her best friends laughing at her. It was somewhat annoying but she just smiled, “I was sleeping guys, why did you do that?” she asked, Lucy stopped laughing, “sleeping?...... did you just say sleeping M.J?” she asked looking serious, “what's wrong with that?” Mary-Jane asked, “M.J, Everything is wrong with that, girl….. this is becoming often, once it is break time, its either you're sleeping or doing your assignment. What's going on?” Champ, her male friend asked, “nothing guys, I'm just always too busy at home helping mum and all….I don't have time to rest” Mary-Jane said, lucy took her hands in hers, “there's something you're not telling us M.J and you know it….. talk to us perhaps we could help and remember that a problem shared is half solved” Lucy said, Mary-Jane bent her face down, “are you okay M.J?” champ asked, “I'm not okay guys, Everything is upside down” Mary-Jane said as tears streamed from her eyes, champ moved closer to her, “M.J, talk to us, what's going on?” he asked patting her back, “my mum has been sick for about a month now, she's not getting better and she insists on not visiting the hospital…… I'm so lost guys, its like life just decided to deal so hard with me” she said, champ and Lucy wrapped their arms round her and for few minutes, they said nothing while she cried. Champ cleared the silence, “M.J, I think we should follow you home, perhaps we could persuade mum to go to a clinic or what do you feel Lucy?” he asked, “I was going to say that too because I know you don't know your relatives so we would be the best option right now and if she doesn’t listen to us then we would tell pastor matt, at least she would listen to him too” Lucy added, M.J looked at them, “you think she would listen to you?” she asked, “at least let us try, there's no harm in trying” champ said, “that's very true M.J, you know we got your back no matter the weather” Lucy said, M.J smiled a bit then broke into tears again, “sorry dear, but has mum been to the clinic before?” Lucy asked, “before…. As in before the sickness started or what?” Mary-Jane asked, “yes, I mean before the sickness started” Lucy said nodding her head, “yes, in fact when the sickness was at the early stage, she went to the hospital but she told me it was just a slight headache and they gave her drugs for it” Mary-Jane said, “why did you ask?” champ asked Lucy, “I believe mummy has a reason for not wanting to go back to the hospital…”, “I don't understand you” Mary-Jane said, “its either she doesn't like hospitals generally or…….”, “or what?” Mary-Jane asked in a loud tone, “or she knows what's wrong and does not want you to find out” Lucy said, Mary-Jane paused for a while, “um…Lucy and her way of thinking” champ said trying to pacify Mary-Jane, Mary-Jane stood up from her seat, “what sort of sickness could mum possibly hide from me…. She loves me so much and I love her too, we've never had cause to keep secret from each other so why would she start now?” Mary-Jane asked, “I'm so sorry Mary-Jane, I was just saying my own …I and my big mouth” Lucy said and pouted, “thank heavens! She has finally agreed” Champ said jokingly, “you're not alright “ Lucy said and poked him with her pen, “game on girl! Just remember you asked for it” Champ said looking at Lucy like an hungry lion, “please champ, must you always retaliate “ she pleaded, champ laughed loudly and Lucy joined but Mary-Jane remained quiet. Lucy put her hands on Mary-Jane from the back, “God has not given us the spirit of fear, cast your cares on him for he cares for you…… Mary-Jane, all will be well” Lucy said, the words of Lucy were so comforting that Mary-Jane couldn't help but cry, Lucy started singing their favorite song, “he never sleeps, he never slumbers, he never tires of hearing our prayers when we are weak, he makes us….” Champ and Mary-Jane joined her to sing the song, “so rest on his love and cast all of your cares on him” the trio smiled, “I suggest we pray or what do you girls think?” champ asked, “I was going to say the same thing” Lucy said, “oya, Lucy pray for us “ , “hmmm, I think the pastor ‘s son should pray for us”, champ smiled and they held their hands in a unified manner as champ prayed, “oh lord out heavenly father, we have come before you to ask us for one thing from you and that is for you to send your healing hand to Mary-Jane’s mum so that Mary-Jane can be happy too.. thank you Lord for answering our prayers for in Jesus name I've prayed…. Amen”, “amen” they chorused. Mary-Jane felt so relieved, this was the true meaning of love to her, apart from her mum and brother, champ and Lucy were the only family she had


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