The trials of Maryjane 4

The trials of Maryjane 

A teacher walked into the class, “Mary-Jane!” she shouted, Mary-Jane raised her hand up, “the principal wants to see you immediately, its better you pack your bags along with you because it is likely you're going home” the teacher said and left, Mary-Jane stood there still surprised at what she heard, Champ and Lucy were dumbfounded too, “what is the problem?” Mary-Jane asked, “I think you would know that when you get to the principal’s office” Lucy said, Mary-Jane tried to pack her books into her bag but her hands were shaking. “let us help you” champ said, he and Lucy packed her bag for her, “it will be well” lucy said, champ carried the bag for her to the principal ‘s office, her brother was there with his own bag too. Principal Scholes, as she was often called looked at Mary-Jane and her brother, Sammy with pity in her eyes, “we got a call from your mum’s nurse, your mum requested to see you immediately” she said, “o…okay ma, did…. She say why?” Mary-Jane stammered as she asked, “I'm sorry but I can't tell you that, I believe your mum would explain to you” principal Scholes replied, tears welled up in Mary-Jane’s eyes, “is mummy okay?” sammy asked, “she is fine…. She just want to see you” principal Scholes said trying to ease their fear, she moved closer to the children, “calm down, everything is fine” she said , looking into the eyes of the principal made Mary-Jane more sad, she could see the pity in the woman’s eyes but she chose to ignore it. The principal asked the school driver to take them home, champ and Lucy were waiting for her outside the office, “thanks guys” she said as she collected her bag from champ. 'call us Mary-Jane” Lucy said and hugged her. Sammy and Mary-Jane left with the driver, Mary-Jane had a strong feeling that a new life was about to begin for the both of them but somehow she felt relieved because she had faith that someone stronger got their back.

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