The Trials of Maryjane 6

After the confession made by Maryjane 's mum..... This is what happened next... 

Mary-Jane ran as fast as she could to the church closer to the hospital, she opened the door and went to the altar , “Lord!!! Where are you? We've got a lot to talk about …. I know you can hear me Lord so I will just cut to the chase… please leave my mum alone with me, I don't wanna lose her Lord, she's all we've got in the world…. Don't let me lose her lord….. I love her so much Lord and I promise you that if you can spare my mum's life I will serve you till my dying breath” Mary-Jane lay at the altar crying and talking, she was there for hours praying to God before she stood up, immediately she turned back she saw a young guy, “um…. The lord said I should tell you to read Jeremiah 29:11and read the story of the Israelites after they left the wilderness” he said, Mary-Jane just looked at him irritatingly and left the church . She went back to the clinic and walked to her mum's ward only to find the nurse covering her mum's body and Sammy crying profusely ……. She entered the ward and pushed the nurse aside in annoyance, she removed the cloth and saw her mum, she held the body tightly and screamed “no!!.....”, the nurses carried her forcefully outside the ward. Mary-Jane continued shouting and crying, the doctor had to take her to his office because she was disturbing the patients, after crying for a while, the doctor had to sedate her before she cried herself to death.

hope you enjoyed the story..... please drop your comments.


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