Being a Single Mother or Father

Being a Single Parent

A single parent is a man or woman left with the responsibility of taking care of his/her child or children alone either because the other parent is dead or gone or any other reason.
Why do some people become single Parents?

1. It could be that the other parent either the man or woman has died.
2. The other parent might have left the house because of an argument or something else.
3. Divorce, if there's a divorce and the other parent should forgo his or her responsibilities.
4. The single parent might have chosen it that way, perhaps he or she wants to be independent.
There are other reasons but these are the major reasons.
Being a Single Parent is not an easy job no matter the number of the children. A single parent taking care of one child is still going through a lot of stress. Statistically, women tend to be single parents more than men.

 Being a single parent  entails a lot of things and we are going to be looking at some of it:
A single parent tries to do the work of the father and the mother. In a scenario where the husband or wife is an alcoholic and the other parent feels he or she could be dangerous to the children, it's very possible for the parent to leave with the kids to secure their future. Most of the Single Parents have a lot to do and hence, they tend to be stressed out everytime. They sometimes look unfriendly and angry but this is just because of the stream of work they have to do.

A Single Parent has to have the features of a father and a Mother, lacking any of these two could affect the children very badly so the single parent has to provide for the family and also care for the children. The Single parent has to work extensively to provide for the family needs including the domestic needs especially for those of them that can't afford a domestic help.

A Single parent shows their children love in an hundred percent manner, they don't want their kid to feel sad because of the lack of a father or a mother so they try their best to give them all the love they can get. Sometimes, the kids might take their parents for granted and become spoilt brats at that young age.

A Single parent tend to receive pity from a whole lot of people instead of support and this affects them psychologically. They feel they are less privileged because of what someone might tell them about their child.  It's like a disability to some of them.

A child from a good single parent tend to grow up to be a better person in future because the Parent helps them to understand why they have to prove the world wrong about them and become better people in future. A good single Mom or Dad would push the child beyond limits to become better than their peers so people won't say they are lacking someone in their lives.

A Single parent is most times overprotective, they believe their child is all they have so they tend to be overprotective.

A single parent think of the  children almost all the time, they don't have time to think of a spouse so their worries and mind is for their children alone.

How can I be a good single Parent?

Don't worry yourself too much....  Just live happily.
Don't wallow in self pity as this could affect your child
Always advise your children to become better
Don't support them everytime, be firm in punishing them for a wrong thing
Don't put the blame of your failed marriage on them.
Show them love
Go out with your kids and have fun
Let them see you as an happy woman
Have someone you trust that you can talk to when you feel like the burden is too much. I recommend Jesus!!
Don't spoil them by always giving them what they want.... Give them what they need.
Live as a good example to them.
Teach them in the way of the Lord.

To everyone out there, try to help a single parent, trust me it's not easy to take up the responsibility of two people on yourself. The single parents out there are trying seriously, encourage them, give unto them, pray for and with them, love them....dont insult or gossip about them. By doing this, you might be helping another Ben Carson, Barrister Iyanuloluwa....  To all the glorious Single Parents out there, I love you all and I would always pray for you all.


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