Healthy Weight Loss

                Healthy Weight loss
Though Excess weight  may be sometimes cosmetically undesirable, this is not the most serious harmful effect. The serious harmful effect result from the fact that excess fat, particularly around the mid-section, greatly increases risk of developing a number of other health conditions, like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and elevated blood sugar levelsScientific studies show that chronic preventable health conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke are increasingly being associated with excess weight. For example, experts estimate that one-half of all type 2 diabetes cases could be prevented simply by controlling Obesity.
The key to losing weight is forgetting about counting calories and focusing instead on eating more of the World's Healthiest Foods. These foods not only help you feel more vibrant and energetic, but they successfully help you to lose weight without feeling deprived or sacrificing anything including enjoyment in the process. Every moment of every day our bodies need energy to keep going. Energy is needed not only to move our muscles, but also to keep usbreathing, keep our heart beating, and maintain our body temperature. Actually, it is needed for every body function to occur.
Nothing helps to make day-to-day life more enjoyable than abundant energy levels. Maintaining a healthy metabolism (the rate at which your body burns energy) is key both for having plenty of energy for your daily activities and for losing those extra pounds.
 And a healthy metabolism requires optimal nutritional support—the kind of support you will get from enjoying foods like the World's Healthiest Foods—especially those rich in metabolism￾boosting protein, magnesium, iron, sulfur-containing compounds, and vitamins B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6 (pyridoxine).
Every Tuesday, stay tuned with Temmy on for more on healthy weight loss.
*Reference: Healthy weight loss without Dieting by George Matlejan.


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