New Year goals

New Year Goals
At the beginning of the year or sometimes before the beginning of the year, we make a list of things we want to do in the year and things we don't want to do in three new year. Sometimes we are able to do half of these things or maybe a quarter of the list or we might just end up doing one of it and leave the rest. Before we continue, I would implore us to make the right goals for this year 2018, goals that will favour us and everyone around us. There are some help lines that would help us to fulfill the goals we set for the year 2018.
1. Sit and ponder on everything on your list.
2. Cross out the unrealistic goals
3. Re-write them starting from the short-term goals to the long-term goals
4. Write all you need to do to achieve these goals; explain the goals. For Example, I want to write ten books; how? When? etc.
Maybe I would need to write a book each month or whichever way.
5. Give yourself a punishment; for example, if I don't finish a book in a month then I won't visit the cinemas the next month.
6. Discipline Yourself; take these goals very importantly.
7. Love your goals and believe you can accomplish them.
8. Have a Mentor, someone you can reach out to, someone you hold in high esteem that you don't want to disappoint and tell the person about your goals. Let the person be your Check mate.
Note : share only the goals you can share

I hope these help lines help you to accomplish all your goals this year. Happy New Year!!


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