Cracked 7

The call was very brief but it made Monica very glad. She took permission from the principal and left the school, this was another step and she hoped it turned out well. She took a motorbike to the venue of the meeting she was about to attend. She was meeting with Choo's mum, she knew this was going to give her answers to some of her questions about Choo. She got down from the bike and was walking away when the motorist called her back for his payment. She had been so excited about her meeting that she had forgotten, she apologized and paid him his money. She left in a hurry and entered the restaurant,  she sighted Meg sitting at the right end of the restaurant. She walked straight to her, "I am Miss Monica" she said politely, "I know, please sit down" Meg said pointing to the chair facing her, "good afternoon" Monica greeted, "good after noon" Meg responded, "what do I get for you?" Meg asked, "I am okay, we just had lunch break at school" she said, "thanks" she added, "okay...." Meg said then continued "I am not Choo's mum,  I mean biological mum. I am her step mum, her dad married me after Choo's mum died. He did not tell me how she died and I know better than to talk about it" she paused for a while, "something happened last night..... I would not tell you anything much but I think my husband thinks Choo is responsible for something that happened years back. I don't know if she's actually responsible but I think Choo thinks she is guilty and maybe that's why she does not talk to people", "can you tell me what happened Ma?" Monica asked, "I'm so sorry, I can't. It is a family secret and I don't even know the full story. If you.......if you could reach out to Choo, maybe she would talk to you", "okay Ma", there was silence for a while, "you love Choo, right?" Monica asked, "y-es, yes, I love her so much.......but I guess love is not always enough" she said sadly, "don't give up on her yet" Monica said reaching for Meg's hands on the table between them, "I'm afraid I have, I can not continue with that kind of life Monica..... I can call you that, right?" she asked, "of course" Monica said nodding, "I can't say I totally understand what you are going through but I can relate with it", Meg became more interested, "really?" She asked, "I lost my Family  in a car accident, we were going to the beach to celebrate my birthday that morning when the accident happened........", Meg was surprised and felt sorry for her, "I am so sorry for your loss" she said, "thanks.... It really affected everything about me. I stated with my Pastor's family but there's no one that can take the place of family. I blamed myself everyday for living while my whole family died, it changed everything about me but I survived. I strongly believe that there's hope for Choo" she said with strength in her voice, "I am happy that Choo got you but I am not strong enough for something like this" Meg said soberly, "Me..g, she needs you" Monica said holding her hands tightly, "I'll call you Monica" she released her hands from Monica's and left the restaurant before Monica could see the tears in her eyes.


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