Cracked 8

Choo faced the broken mirror in her room, she loved the mirror so much despite the fact that it was broken. It reminded her of who she was, the real Choo. She opened her wardrobe to look for a clothe to wear, she sighted one gown hung in the wardrobe and her mind drifted back to the time when they were all happy.
"pass the cups Choo" Maria said, Choo picked the cups from the table beside her and passed it to her mum, "thanks Choo..... Where's your sister?" she asked, "I think she's outside waiting for dad again" Choo said sadly, Maria noticed the sadness in her eyes and carried her in her arms, "daddy is very busy Honey and he has to work round the clock to provide the best for you, your sister and I. All he wants from us is our support, love and we all have to make sacrifices dear" she said and kissed her forehead, "mum, what sort of sacrifice do I have to make?" she asked innocently, Maria became lost in thought for a while, "mum!!" Choo shouted for Maria to snap out of her thoughts, "you would understand later Choo" she told her and hugged her tightly, "my sweethearts!" her dad exclaimed from the living room, "that's Daddy!" Choo exclaimed in happiness, she left her mums grip and ran to the living room, "Daddy!!" she shouted happily as she ran towards him, Tom was so happy when he saw her, he carried her in his arms and twirled her in the air, "my Choo Choo" he said smiling, he placed her gently on a chair, "I bought two dresses for you and your sister" he said, he brought the dresses out and gave his girls. The two girls hugged their dad, "thank you Daddy" they said, "I love you both, Alice, you are my charm and Choo, you are my strength" he told them, "so what am I?" Maria asked, "you are my everything" he said and kissed her.
Choo wiped the tears in her eyes looking at the dress in the wardrobe, she looked at her side and saw Alice, "Alice, I used to be his strength" she said and broke into tears, "I know Choo but you later made him weak" Alice told her, "I didn't know Alice, I never meant too...... Would he ever forgive me?" she asked crying, "I don't think so Choo, you should have done something that day. You should have not allowed it" Alice shouted at her, Choo hit the door of the wardrobe and continued pounding it, "mum said we had to make sacrifices" Choo said bitterly, "but you didn't Choo" Alice told her "I tried to.... ", "no, you hesitated Choo! You caused it! You ended the joy in the family!! You deserve to die Choo!!" Alice shouted at her. Choo ran into her bathroom, "I'm going to do it today Alice, no turning back" she said, she put on the water in the bathroom and it was at that time she heard a knock on the door.


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