After reading a topic for five hours, Nelly closed the book and sat in frustration thinking of how to pass the coming exams without having to read. Her best friend, Sheila walked up to her smiling, "hey Girlfriend.......ready for tomorrow?" she asked with enthusiasm and joy that Nelly could not understand, "I've been trying to read since we got here but I guess reading is not for me" Nelly said sadly, "what do you mean girlfriend?" Sheila asked with concern, "I don't seem to get anything in the book, I keep on looking at one page for hours and....." her voice trailed off as tears welled up in her eyes, "oh no Nelly, it is so much easy. I would give you reading tips that have been working for me and I know  it will work for you too" Sheila said patting Nelly gently on the shoulder, Nelly's face brightened up with hope, "tell me Sheila" she said anxiously, "okay, I call it the 3Rs" Sheila said as she sat down on the chair close to Nelly.
This story is similar to the story of many students, they read for a long time but they can not assimilate what they are reading and it is always frustrating. However, once you know you have this problem then you have taken one step in getting your problem solved.
                                  THE 3Rs

It is not every time of the day that you read that you would be able to assimilate though some have the privilege of reading and assimilating at anytime but the rate at which they would assimilate varies with time. There are various periods for reading:

  • Early hours of the day (4am-9am)
  • The afternoon (12pm-3pm)
  • The evening (4pm-6pm)
  • The night (7pm-10pm)
  • Midnight (12am-3am).

*These periods could be extended.

Knowing the period in which you can read and assimilate is very paramount to make reading fun and fruitful for you. To know your reading time, you have to be open and try out the periods but be truthful to yourself.

We all have needs in life, like shelter, clothing, feeding and do on. Just like we have basic needs so we have our reading needs. Perhaps you are the kind of person that likes eating something when reading then you have to get snacks at your reach while reading or maybe you love listening to music and you have noticed that it helps you to read better then you need to have it within your reach. Our reading needs could vary with subjects and our kind of person, that's why it is vital to understand yourself. other needs include:
Serene environment
Noisy environment (very rare)
People (group reading)
                     E. T. C

This is your technique. It is advisable not to copy anyone's style because your style could vary with others. What are the various reading styles?

  • Reading and writing : this style is reading and writing what you have read in your own words.
  • Reading with talking: this kind involves reading and saying what you have read.
  • Reading with Music: this one is not for everyone and you should know if it works for you. It is reading with your ears plugged while listening to a song.
  • Reading in a serene environment: this is common, if you know you like this style then you should read in a quiet place.
  • Group reading : this style works for people that can work with people effectively. However, you need to find people that loves this style and join them. It works best with subjects that have to do with solving problems.
  • Reading with mnemonics: this is one style of reading that has worked for me over the years. It is using anything in a verbal form to remember. For example,  MRS NERG has helped secondary students master their characteristics of living things.
  • Reading with rhymes: this is the use of songs to remember what you have read. For example, the song on 7 continents helps kids to learn their seven continents.

There are other styles, the major point is to find out which style of reading works best for you. There are some other requirements like:

  • Eating before reading: the brain needs a lot of energy to function properly. It is vital to eat a well balanced meal (not heavy) before reading.
  • Removing any form of distraction before reading: distraction could be from things around you or your imagination. It is important to remove distraction as they would not help you read with concentration.

The major point is to read and assimilate, all the tips that have been mentioned above are to help you read better. However, if they do not work for you then you can see a counsellor.
Download the complete PDF for Tips for reading without pain Here


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