The view of the office from the back was really beautiful, it was funny and sad how time flies. Tom thought within him, he remembered when he and Ernest started the company together from scratch. The both of them had worked really hard to make the company grow but their families had paid the price, Ernest even paid the price with his life when he died two years ago and they doctor said he had overworked himself beyond his limit. Tom had reduced his workload since then but he thought of it later on, he really had no major reason to live. He lost the most precious people to him and it had broken his spirit. He felt sorry for Meg because she had to pay for something she knew nothing about. He continued walking round the company hoping to convince himself that it was worth it but it wasn't worth it at all. It was only regretful that he gave up his family for a company like this. Back then, he had convinced himself and wife that he was doing it for their own benefit but he realized later that he was only selfish. He wanted to prove to his dad that he could make it as a computer engineer and not as a doctor. His drive to prove to him had pushed him to do all it took to be successful, he and Ernest had been very close but ever since he died, he had not been able to contact Ernest's wife and children. Thinking about that, he reached for his phone in his left pocket. He dialed Ernest's wife number and was surprised it went through since the caller operative had always told him the number was not reachable. His heart was gladdened when she answered the call, "hello", "Darlene" he said happily, "Tom?" she asked in a sober tone, "yes Darlene, where have you been?" he asked, on hearing his reply, she broke into tears, "are you okay Darlene?" he asked, "yes... I mean no, I need to speak to you Tom" she said urgently, "is everything alright?" he asked her worried about her, "you would know soon Tom" she replied and cried, "what is it about?" he asked curiously and fearfully, "it's about Charity......You do not know what happened that day Tom" she said and cried louder, Tom was silent for some seconds, "what do you mean Darlene?" he asked her, trying to understand the meaning of her words, "Tom, please see me as fast as you can.... You could come to my place or should I come over?" she asked, "no, I would come over. Just take care of yourself" he said, "I..... I'll be expecting you" she said, he hung up and stood speechless for minutes thinking of what Darlene had just said. He did not understand at all and even though he did not want to hear anything about Charity, he had to see Darlene and hear what she has to say.


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