Meg knocked on the door again, she was afraid she could not hear the noise that came from the room earlier. She placed her ear near the door, "Choo?" she called but no one responded, she banged the door continuously waiting for someone to answer her but there was no response. She panicked and ran to her room, she checked the drawer for the extra keys, I she packed all the keys and ran to Choo's room. She tried three keys before she got the right key that opened the door. She saw water in the room, "Choo!!" she shouted and ran to the bathroom, "Choo!!!!" she screamed when she saw Choo in the bath tub that was filled with water. She tried to pull Choo out at first but Choo was too heavy for her, she used all her strength and pulled her out gently. She put off the running tap and dragged Choo out of the bathroom. She placed Choo on the bed and hit her, "Choo! Wake up Choo!" she cried, she searched the room for her phone but she could not find any phone. She remembered what they used to do in the movies she watched when someone drowned, she tried to give her a mouth to mouth but Choo did not wake up. She slapped her face,"Choo... You have to wake up! Choo!!" she shouted. She pressed Choo's tummy down then she broke into tears, "please Choo, don't go this way" she cried bitterly. She gave Choo a mouth to mouth CPR and it was then Choo coughed and water spilled out from her mouth. Meg heaved a sigh of relief, "you're awake" she said happily and hugged Choo tightly. She tried to raise Choo up to her bed but she couldn't do it, Choo stood up from the floor gently and laid on the bed. Meg could see that the young girl was very sad, "Choo, did you try to kill yourself?" she asked her but Choo said nothing, "you need to talk to someone Choo, you need help Choo. Your silence would not help you at all, talk to me Choo" she cried loudly, "you don't want to know!" Choo shouted and her voice made Meg silent, "you don't want to know who I am, you don't want to know and I am not ready to say it. I can't say it Meg, I tried.... Oh.... I tried but it didn't work out.... I wished I had not tried" she shouted angrily, Meg was dumbfounded, she just looked at Choo in surprise. Choo turned her face away, Meg put her arms round her from the back, "I don't understand what you're talking about but I know that you are special Choo and I love you even if you don't think so" she said, tears flowed from Choo's eyes to her wet dress.


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