Few days ago, I heard the story of a woman who had an accident with her child. The woman  was in a helpless state and she was crying for help but instead of helping, people took out their phones and started making video of her situation. I don't  know if they meant to help by making video of the helpless state of the woman but at that time, this woman was in a very bad state and she needed the physical help of people not just the social help of the people. This woman later lost her only son who was three years old because nobody made a quick stand.
We are always quick to judge others and talk about the negativity of pastors, politicians, professionals and so on instead of taking a quick look at ourselves and make ourselves right before pointing to the wrong of others. It's always easier to remove the spec in your neighbour's eye than removing the one in yours but it is better to remove the spec in yours first. Most of the people that are always quick to judge are not always quick to take to correction. We all get better everyday so why should you always point out the mistakes of others when you haven't done a check on yourself. I am not perfect but I am working towards it everyday.
I was privileged to listen to a motivational speaker recently, he talked about his daily goals and he said one of his daily goals is to put a smile on at least three people everyday. This melted my heart, how many people do you put a smile on their face everyday? Do you make people sad or happy after talking to them? Are you ready to help others no matter the cost?
 Do the right thing and be your neighbour's keeper.  Let love rule your heart!


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