E. A. T. The WORD
E. A. T the word
Many of the problems Christians are faced with are caused as a result of lack of in depth knowledge of the word. The Bible clearly states that my people perish because of the lack of knowledge.
Some Christians have tried to memorise and study the word but he doesn't seem to help. The best way to really Know the word is to EAT it. Someone reading may be wondering how do I EAT the word? I am not an animal and besides how does eating the word help me to have an in depth knowledge in it. The word 'EAT' means to ENGAGE AND TEACH the word.
E- Encourage others through it (you can do this through your social media page or mouth to mouth)
N-Need it( yearn for the word)
G-Grow the word in you
A-Affirm the word by confessing it any chance you get.
G-Give it (give the word by saying it to others)
E-Express it (act it out)
How do I do this?
Let's say you read psalm 23;1 .the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; engage that word. You engage it by saying it, As you leave the house, say it to yourself ,say it to others , apply it in your prayers, make it Your watchword for that day. I can tell you that It would surely stick to you like a needle sticks to magnet. The next one is to teach it, you don't have to stand on a pulpit before you teach the word. Anytime You have to opportunity to talk to someone, teach the word , teach yourself. Teach yourself Teach others!
T-talk on it
E-entertain it
A-ascertain it
C-claim it
H-hold it firmly
This method can also be applied to your other books and you would be flying high.
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