Cry out

 Faith stared into the blank space, everywhere was dark and it felt so alone. she was very scared where she was, she sat down on the floor and looked around her hoping to see a way out but she could not see anything. Nothing was visible as everything was dark, she sat for a while and cried within her. Her tears flowed but it was not from her eyes, it was from somewhere within. She wanted to cry for help but she could not find her voice. A lot of things went on within her, a lot of thoughts flowed through her mind, she thought of her actions and inactions over the past years, she wished she was never born at the end of the day. 

Suddenly, she saw a way out, she knew it was not the best way out but it was a better way out. It was better than the misery she felt, there was no way out of the darkness, the only way out was that way. She walked towards the path she saw, the more she went deeper into it, the more everything felt better. She continued walking down the unknown path, she did not know where it will lead her to at the end but it was a way out and that was all that mattered. Walking down the unknown path, she felt free, then she got to a point and it all became worse than the blank space. She wanted to go back but a door that she had not seen before started to close. She cried but she could not cry out, her cries were within…. she heard a voice shouting: 

Cry out! Cry out! Cry out! 

Have you ever been in Faith’s shoes before or are you presently in Faith's shoes? 

There is good news for you today! There is hope for you!

Being in a blank space, feeling so lonely, and being overwhelmed does not make you a failure of any kind. It does not mean you are not good enough, you are the best of your kind. You are unique in your way. Do not allow anyone to make you feel less! 

Life is not a bed of roses and even if it is, roses have thorns in them too. You may not like this but life will not continue to be all good, neither will it always be bad. A change is bound to happen. 

The blank space, The Darkness… It is the worst place to be. 

The feeling of being helpless

The feeling of being alone in the world even when you are surrounded by people. 

The feeling of being overwhelmed. 

The feeling of…… 

I can not say exactly that this is how you are feeling but I want you to know that you are not alone in this. Depression is real. Anxiety is real! I know that! 

Stop listening to people who belittle your feelings and make them seem like they do not exist. 

Death is never the option, the best thing to do is cry out! Don’t wait till it’s too late! Death will not make it better, death will only make it worse. 

Cry out for help today! 

There is help for you! 

You can not continue to die in silence. 

Silence kills! 

Cry out! Cry Out! Cry out! 

I do not know what you are going through but I know someone who does, He is an ever-present help in times of trouble. He is the best friend anyone can ever have. He will not judge you, He is always ready to show you love and be your confidant. He helped me and He can help you. 

There was a time in my life that I was faced with so many things, I felt like Faith in the story but I cried out for help when I had to. It is not easy to trust anyone, the one you trust the most may even be the problem but do not allow that to make you feel like you are alone because you are not. Cry out! Cry out! Cry out! 

 Reach out to an emotional therapist, a family member, or a friend…. cry out to someone. 

If you ever need someone to talk to, you can contact me:

You are not alone. 


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