The Birth of Her Last Days


The birth of Her Last Days 

What gave birth to the story? 
Her Last Days 
I was going through a lot of things in my life at the time the story was given birth to. When people ask me: 
Why do you write? 
The answer I give to them is that Writing is my healing. I faced a lot growing up, low self-esteem, parental issues, and so on but something that got me through all of these was my writing. 
Writing is my solution. 
As at the time, Her Last Days was about to be conceived, I was counting all of the things that I had not achieved, a lot of things were overwhelming me and I was counting down to the end of days. I remember sitting on my bed and planning everything I wanted people to say after I am gone, the thoughts and reactions of people when they hear that I am gone. It was that real to me! 
Nothing will happen to me but I will just start crying and even when things happen, I will not be able to cry. That was my irony!
At that moment, He spoke to me, before that time I had prayed for strength but I did not receive any answer and it felt like the more I prayed, the more things were worse. It was like heaven's gates were shut and no one could hear my voice. 
He asked me: 
What is success to you? 
I did not respond, I knew it was His voice but I did not know what answer to give at that time. 
He asked me again: 
Temiloluwa, What is success to you? 
I responded by saying; Success means fulfilling my purpose and achieving my goals. 
He asked: 
When can you say: Oh Yes! This Lady has lived life to the fullest. 
 I said when the lady achieved her goals. 
He said; A life well spent is a life that is lived according to my purpose, one that has made positive and meaningful impacts in the lives of others. 
I wanted to ask Him so many questions but then he said, 
We are going to write a story. 
I was surprised, I had written one other story before but that was just- 
Oh! Temiloluwa, you are going to write a story. 
This time He used- We. 
That was how Her Last Days was conceived. 
In the course of writing the story, I received answers to everything I had been asking God and I know you will too. 
There was a time that my laptop crashed, I sent the document to my phone, and a week after the phone also stopped working. It was a trying moment for me; 
The thoughts running through my mind were: 
Where do I start? 
Where do I go from here? 
It was really painful, He told me- 
I said We, not you! 
You don’t have to worry about where you are starting from, when I am with you, you do not have to worry. 
I remember getting to the end of the story and I started arguing with Him, our endings were totally different but then again, His will was more important than mine. 
He said, Our story is going to be given out for free, I will take care of the rest. I will not lie to you, He has been taking care of the rest. God has been too faithful in all things. He is always faithful. 
Her Last Days is not an ordinary story, it is a story that will change your life. The reviews I have been getting from the story have been amazing, I give God all the glory for the privilege to write with Him. 
You can download yours for free here
After reading the novel, if you have any question, comment, or anything you will like to say: 


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