The Vase


I stared at the vase intently, it looked normal on the outside but inside it was broken into pieces. Someone might want to pick the vase up on the shelf where it was because they do not know it was already broken inside. What will be its usefulness if anyone got it, they might just have to throw it away at the end. Just then, someone walked up to the vase while I stared at it, 

“I want it” he said,

I was supposed to market the product but here I was feeling pity for the only person who had an interest in the vase. He touched the vase and nodded affirmatively, I wondered what he meant by his facial expression,

“yes, this is the particular vase I want” he said, I kept mute because I did not even know what to say, I thought of telling him the truth but I was scared I will not find anyone who will want to buy the vase, a broken one at that. He was about to make the biggest mistake of his life and I felt like the only one who could stop him, he seemed like a gentle man and he did not deserve a vase like that so I spoke up,

“It is broken inside” I said, he did not pay attention to my words instead he paid attention to the vase, 

“I said it is broken inside” I repeated hoping he will listen, I was able to divert his attention from the vase because he looked at me and smiled,

“I don’t care” he said gently, I was surprised and annoyed, 

‘Why will he be bent on selecting that particular vase when there are others there?’ I thought

“I said it is broken inside, what do you need it for? It is only a matter of time before the cracks within affects the one outside” I said sternly, it was like his resistance to my opinion made me more determined to make my opinion heard. I knew I was doing the complete opposite of what I was supposed to do, I was supposed to market the product instead I was giving out reasons why the product should not leave the store, I expected him to change his mind and leave the store or ask for another vase but he just stood there staring at the vase,

“There are better ones around, you could get anyone” I told him, I was also surprised at myself but I could not stop myself,

“but I want this one”, 


“because it is strong, beautiful and I can help in mending it” he said, 

“it is beyond mending! The vase is far gone, it is completely useless, there is nothing that can be done” I said angrily, his words were making me nervous and angry, I was only trying to save him but he was rejecting my help and it made me furious,

“You do not even know what you are talking about, I know the vase, I know this vase. It is gone!” I shouted, 

“no, as long as it is still here…

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