The Woman


This poem is dedicated to all the women out there, you are wonderful, you are beautiful, you are amazing, you are a WOMAN. 

If you are proud to be a WOMAN then read this: 



Each letter in that word means something unique and superb. 


A woman is a wonderful creature, 

She was created by God with amazing features

All of which have their special functions. 

From the top of her head to the sole of her feet

She is fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Her beauty transcends her physical attributes, 

She has inner and outer beauty. 


A woman stands out everywhere, 

She is not a copycat trying to be like someone else, 

Her uniqueness lies within her, 

She makes everyone around her to stand out, 

Her colour, height, race, background

Does not determine who she really is, 

Instead, she uses them to her advantage to make a true difference. 

Even when others look down on her, 

That is when she strives harder. 

She is a woman. 


A woman is God’s masterpiece

Made in His glory and for His glory. 

She is worthy of admiration, 

No wonder wherever she goes, 

She is admired by all. 

She is not a mistake

But she is a miracle in the world. 

It does not matter if her past had been soiled, 

It does not matter if life has been unfair to her, 

She takes hold of all she has in and out

And turns it into something great. 

She is a woman


A woman is born to love, 

Her caring heart is the reason she is the one who births children, 

Her love is not just for one

But her love is for all. 

Her compassion is very great. 

No wonder God compared his love to hers, 

Because her love transcends all barriers. 

When she loves, she loves with all, 

She is ready to give her all. 

She is a woman


A woman has honourable qualities. 

She is not found in the middle of any dubious act. 

She makes others proud. 

Her conduct and character are noteworthy. 

She is full of moral eminence. 

She is worthy of honour. 

She makes noble efforts. 

Her family and friends are always happy with her. 

She would not compromise her manners for anything. 

She is a woman. 

Happy International Women's Day ❣️!

This poem was gotten from the book : Temispire - Collection of inspiring poems. 

You can download yours for free. 


  1. Nice one Temi. A woman is a special and beautiful creature. In every woman there's a man and that's why she's strong, can multitask and has so much love in her. I'm proud to be a womanπŸ₯°. Happy International Women's Day #choosetochallenge

  2. Wonderful write up dear πŸ‘

  3. Beautiful piece, thanks. Still send my 5kπŸ™‚ Happy International Women's Day.

  4. Happy women's day to every woman out there

  5. Beautiful words from a beautiful soul...God bless Temiloluwa

  6. Women created for a purpose.No wonder man needed to be asleep for God to beautify the woman.Good one Temi.You are a product of his grace.


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