

SPREADING HAPPINESS Few days ago, I heard the story of a woman who had an accident with her child. The woman  was in a helpless state and she was crying for help but instead of helping, people took out their phones and started making video of her situation. I don't  know if they meant to help by making video of the helpless state of the woman but at that time, this woman was in a very bad state and she needed the physical help of people not just the social help of the people. This woman later lost her only son who was three years old because nobody made a quick stand. We are always quick to judge others and talk about the negativity of pastors, politicians, professionals and so on instead of taking a quick look at ourselves and make ourselves right before pointing to the wrong of others. It's always easier to remove the spec in your neighbour's eye than removing the one in yours but it is better to remove the spec in yours first. Most of the people that are always q


Cracked 8 8 Choo faced the broken mirror in her room, she loved the mirror so much despite the fact that it was broken. It reminded her of who she was, the real Choo. She opened her wardrobe to look for a clothe to wear, she sighted one gown hung in the wardrobe and her mind drifted back to the time when they were all happy. ******************************************************* "pass the cups Choo" Maria said, Choo picked the cups from the table beside her and passed it to her mum, "thanks Choo..... Where's your sister?" she asked, "I think she's outside waiting for dad again" Choo said sadly, Maria noticed the sadness in her eyes and carried her in her arms, "daddy is very busy Honey and he has to work round the clock to provide the best for you, your sister and I. All he wants from us is our support, love and we all have to make sacrifices dear" she said and kissed her forehead, "mum, what sort of sacrifice do I have to ma




TIPS FOR READING WITHOUT PAIN After reading a topic for five hours, Nelly closed the book and sat in frustration thinking of how to pass the coming exams without having to read. Her best friend, Sheila walked up to her smiling, "hey Girlfriend.......ready for tomorrow?" she asked with enthusiasm and joy that Nelly could not understand, "I've been trying to read since we got here but I guess reading is not for me" Nelly said sadly, "what do you mean girlfriend?" Sheila asked with concern, "I don't seem to get anything in the book, I keep on looking at one page for hours and....." her voice trailed off as tears welled up in her eyes, "oh no Nelly, it is so much easy. I would give you reading tips that have been working for me and I know  it will work for you too" Sheila said patting Nelly gently on the shoulder, Nelly's face brightened up with hope, "tell me Sheila" she said anxiously, "okay, I call it t

Valentine special.

These pictures say it all: 


THE A-Z OF M. A. D in LIFE M. A. D is making a difference. These alphabets would guide you to make a difference in life. A-ATTITUDE Your attitude determines your altitude in life. Having the right attitude in life would lead you the right way. It is not just about the right attitude in life but having the right attitude towards life. Your attitude would determine if you would make a difference or not. B-BEAUTY This is the inward beauty not the outward one. Your inward beauty encompasses the real you and your imagination. Is everything inside you as clean as everything that is outside? Without the inward beauty, you can not beautify the lives of others around you hence you can not make a difference in life. C- CREATIVITY A creative mind is a complete mind. When you can not create something then you can not make a difference in this life. The world is in need of creativity not 'copytivity'. D- DETERMINATION Your determination would guide you to your destination. Only

Cracked 7

7 The call was very brief but it made Monica very glad. She took permission from the principal and left the school, this was another step and she hoped it turned out well. She took a motorbike to the venue of the meeting she was about to attend. She was meeting with Choo's mum, she knew this was going to give her answers to some of her questions about Choo. She got down from the bike and was walking away when the motorist called her back for his payment. She had been so excited about her meeting that she had forgotten, she apologized and paid him his money. She left in a hurry and entered the restaurant,  she sighted Meg sitting at the right end of the restaurant. She walked straight to her, "I am Miss Monica" she said politely, "I know, please sit down" Meg said pointing to the chair facing her, "good afternoon" Monica greeted, "good after noon" Meg responded, "what do I get for you?" Meg asked, "I am okay, we just had lunch